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Looking to get involved?
Join our Parent Teacher Organization!

The Lemme Parent-Teacher Association invites you to enhance our children's education by helping to build a strong school community. All parents, teachers, and staff are encouraged to attend the PTA general membership meetings.

Each meeting usually includes a report from the principal, announcements about upcoming activities and events, and committee reports. Many meetings also have a special presentation of broad interest to parents and staff. If you are unable to attend the monthly meeting, there are many other ways to become involved through a variety of PTA-sponsored activities.

To learn more, email or visit the Helen Lemme Facebook group.

PTO Meetings

PTO meetings are held in the Lemme Elementary Library at 6 PM.

Current Officers

President: Lucie Hulse
Vice President: 
Secretary: Lexi Lampe
Treasurer: Wes Dorsam